Returns the absolute value of a number
Adding days to a date
ADD_DAY([Created On], 1)
Adding hours to a date
ADD_HOUR([Created On], 1)
Adding minutes to a date
ADD_MINUTE([Created On], 1)
Adding months to a date
ADD_MONTH([Created On], 1)
Adding weeks to a date
ADD_WEEK([Created On], 1)
Adding years to a date
ADD_YEAR([Created On], 1)
Returns `TRUE` if all of the provided arguments are logically true
([Effort] < 2) AND ([Effort] > 0)
Returns the auto detected date grouping period
Returns the avg of a series of numbers
AVG([Price] + ([Price] * [Tax Rate])/100)
Returns the conditional avg of a series of numbers
AVGIF([Price] + ([Price] * [Tax Percent])/100, [Price] > 0)
Returns the categorical ordered intervals
BINS([Users Count], 10)
Returns a value when the first condition is met.
CASE WHEN [Status] == 'In Dev' THEN 'In Progress' WHEN [Status] == 'In Testing' THEN 'In Progress' ELSE 'Done'
Rounds a number up to the next largest whole number or integer
CEIL([Lead Time])
Returns `TRUE` if expression contains the defined text, and `FALSE` otherwise
CONTAINS([Owner], 'Oleg')
Returns the count of values
Returns the distinct count of values
Returns the conditional count of values
COUNTIF([ID], [Project] != 'OS')
Returns the conditional count of values
COUNTIF_DISTINCT([ID], [Project] != 'OS')
Converts a provided date string in a known format to a date value
DATE('3 Sep 2018')
Returns the difference between the specified start date and end date
DATEDIFF([Created On], [Completed On], 'year')
Returns provided date part of date as a text
DATENAME([Created On], 'year')
Returns provided date part of date as a number
DATEPART([Created On], 'year')
Returns the date of the expression (DD MMM YYYY)
Returns the running difference for the given expression between current value and previous
DIFFERENCE(SUM([Hours Spent]))
Returns `TRUE` if expressions are equal, and `FALSE` otherwise
[Price] == 200
Returns first met value in a set
Returns `TRUE` if left is strictly greater than right, and `FALSE` otherwise
[Effort] > 2
Returns `TRUE` if left than or equal to the right value, and `FALSE` otherwise
[Effort] >= 2
Returns the date, truncating seconds of the expression
Returns expression 1 if a logical expression is `TRUE`, and expression 2 if it is `FALSE`
IF('Oleg' != [Owner], [Effort] + 10, [Effort] + 5)
Replaces `NULL` with the specified default value
IFNONE([Owner], 'No Owner')
Returns `FALSE` if expression is null or undefined, and `TRUE` otherwise.
Returns `TRUE` if expression is null or undefined, and `FALSE` otherwise
Returns last met value in a set
Returns first N symbols of text
LEFT('Hulk', 2)
Returns the length of text
Returns `TRUE` if left is strictly less than right, and `FALSE` otherwise
[Effort] < 2
Returns `TRUE` if left is less than or equal to the right, and `FALSE` otherwise
[Effort] <= 2
Returns `TRUE` if expression matches the defined pattern, and `FALSE` otherwise
LIKE([Owner], 'Ol%g')
Converts text to lower case.
Returns the max of a series of numbers
MAX([Price] + ([Price] * [Tax Rate])/100)
Returns the conditional max of a series of numbers
MAXIF([Price] + ([Price] * [Tax Rate])/100, [Tax Rate] > 0)
Returns the median of a series of numbers
MEDIAN([Price] + ([Price] * [Tax Rate])/100)
Returns the min of a series of numbers
MIN([Price] + ([Price] * [Tax Rate])/100)
Returns the conditional min of a series of numbers
MINIF([Price] + ([Price] * [Tax Rate])/100, [Tax Rate] > 0)
Returns the date, truncating seconds of the expression
Returns the month of the expression
Returns `TRUE` if the provided argument is logically false
NOT([Effort] == 0)
Returns `TRUE` if expressions are not equal, and `FALSE` otherwise
[Price] != 200
Returns the current date as date value
Returns `TRUE` if any of the provided arguments are logically true
([Effort] < 2) OR ([Effort] == 5)
Returns the value at a given percentile of a dataset
PERCENTILE([Price] + ([Price] * [Tax Rate])/100, 0.3)
Returns the quarter of the expression
Replaces text to be replaced in an income text expression with its replacement
REPLACE([Name], 'Suit', 'Helmet')
Returns last N symbols of text
RIGHT('Hulk', 2)
Rounds a number
ROUND([Price] + ([Price] * [Tax Rate])/100)
Returns the running avg for a given expression from the first row to the current.
RUNNING_AVG(SUM([Hours Spent]))
Returns the running max for a given expression from the first row to the current
RUNNING_MAX(SUM([Hours Spent]))
Returns the running min for a given expression from the first row to the current
RUNNING_MIN(SUM([Hours Spent]))
Returns the running sum for a given expression from the first row to the current
RUNNING_SUM(SUM([Hours Spent]))
Splits values of text field using defined delimiter.
SPLIT([Tags], ',')
Returns the standard deviation of a series of numbers
STDEV([Price] + ([Price] * [Tax Rate])/100)
Returns the sum of a series of numbers
SUM([Price] + ([Price] * [Tax Rate])/100)
Returns the conditional sum of a series of numbers
SUMIF([Price] + ([Price] * [Tax Rate])/100, [Tax Rate] > 0)
Returns provided numerical or date as a text
TEXT([Created On])
Combines all text values into one
Special date function used for grouping data by date period
TIMELINE([Start Date, End Date])
Returns the total for a given aggregation across the whole dataset
Converts text to upper case.
Returns the week of the expression
Returns the year of the expression