GuideCustom app for reportsAPIPOST /oauth1/v1/authorize

The POST /oauth1/v1/authorize endpoint performs obtaining request token and secret and generating of authorization url for OAuth version 1 accounts.

Included with the request is a single body parameter, callback_uri, which is the redirect URL that the user should be expected to be redirected to upon successful authentication with the third-party service. callback_uri includes query parameter state that MUST be preserved to be able to complete OAuth flow by Fibery.

Return body should include a redirect_uri that the user should be forwarded to in order to complete setup, token and secret are granted request token and secret by third-party service. Replies are then POST'ed to /oauth1/v1/access_token endpoint.

Request body sample:

    "callback_uri": ""

Response body sample:

    "redirect_uri": "",
    "token": "xxxx",
    "secret": "xxxx"

Note: The OAuth implementation requires the account identifier to be oauth for OAuth version 1.

Note: If service provider has callback url whitelisting than has to be added to the whitelist.