
GET "/" endpoint is the main one which returns information about the app. You can find response structure here. Response example:

    "version": "1.0",  // string representing the version of your app
    "name": "My Super Application",  // title of the app
    "description": "All your base are belong to us!", // long description
    "site": "fibery.io",  // OPTIONAL: website, if you've got one
    "authentication": [...], // list of account schema information
    "sources": [...], // list of source info, see below
    "responsibleFor": { // app responsibility
        "dataProviding": true // app is responsibile for data providing

Authentication Information

The authentication object includes all account schema information. It informs the Fibery front-end how to build forms for the end-user to provide required account information. This property is required, even if your application does not require authentication. At least one account object must be provided within array.

"authentication": [
    	"id": "basic", // identifier
        "name": "Basic Authentication", // user-friendly title
        "description": "Just using a username and password", // description
        "fields": [  //list of fields to be filled
                "id": "username",  //field identifier
                "title": "Username",  //friendly name
                "description": "Your username, duh!",  //description
                "type": "text",  //field type (text, password, number, etc.)
                "optional": true,  // is this a optional field?
            /* ... */

In case when application doesn't require authentication, the fields array must be omitted. Read more about fields here.

Important note: if your app provides OAuth capabilities for authentication, the authentication identifiers must be oauth and oauth2 for OAuth v1 and OAuth v2, respectively. Only one authentication type per OAuth version is currently supported.

Source Schema Information

Source information is included into GET / response using sources property:

"sources": [
    	"id": "supersource", // identifier
        "name": "Super Data Source",  // friendly name
        "description": "Use data here to take over the world.", // description
        "filter": [ // list of fields used for filter
              "id": "ssn",  //f ield identifier
              "title": "Social Security Number",  // friendly name
              "description": "Filter by victim's socialized surf number",  // description
              "type": "number",  // field type (text, password, number, etc.)
              "optional": false,  // is this a optional field?

Source Filter Information

The filter object is used to help the user to exclude non-required data. Just like other field-like objects, the filter object is not required. If nothing is provided, users will not be able to filter out data received from the app.

For more information about authentications, sources and filters, please refer to domain. For more information about fields and for a list of field types, please refer to fields types.